In Canada, it is common to pay a white prostitute 200 dollars for one hour. It is my assumption that these women were once bright eyed young girls with the dream of being pornstars. Through years of failed auditions and starring roles in second tier porn films always involving gangbangs and anal, they have switched to a more lucrative role. Many white collared office workers would have a tough time accumulating as much money as some of these hard working women. Hopefully the girls are smart enough to save money, because once they reach the age of 32 they will no longer be desirable sexually, and will likely have a tough time giving it away for free. But age isn't the main worry of these prostitutes. It's often the chinese girls that are willing to do the job for much less.
Asian prostitutes are often business saavy lonely girls without much english language skills that have a very difficult time making friends in this foreign country. They surround themselves with other Asian people, and end up living in Canada but speaking their own language and rarely conversing with the scary white inhabitants of this native land. They advertise their services as "Asian Massage" and charge 100 dollars for an hour. Because of their poor language skills, you can talk as dirty as you want to them, because they have no idea what you are saying. When they utter Chinese phrases to you, it is best to just nod your head in agreeance; it makes them feel more comfortable that way.
We have to stop these Asians from undercutting their white competition. These Asian girls have not yet realized that when they reach the age of 32, they will no longer be able to provide a service to any able-sighted man. White prostitutes are being put out of business, unable to afford their upscale luxury condos, having to settle for single bedroom bungalos in undesirable parts of the city. And that's just not fair.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Discrepancy in Asian and White Prostitute Prices
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