Monday, September 29, 2008

SpaceX rocket reaches orbital atmosphere from earth, cures cancer, revives jesus

Recently the company SpaceX (today, actually) launched a rocket. They've had three failed attempts before this, but now, they have set the record for the first privately owned company achieving earth orbital altitude and attitude. The only reason they didn't go for orbit was most likely NASA certification or something. So what does this mean?

To me, I'm excited at the possibility of exploring the final frontier masterfully and intelligently and wish we'd have a space tax added to our payouts. I can imagine the riots if the proposed "space tax" were actually added, and yet at the same time... dollar a day from 523 million people in North American is still a shitload of money we could be using to make rocket ships and ninja space machines and stuff and it really pisses me off at night when I need to be furious at something and this sentence is out of hand.

But seriously, that's beautiful. With a company evolving so fast, and planning on launching a 6 man capsule soon, I have no doubt that we'll be kicking ass Mass Effect style in no time and I can finally score with a blue chick. Commander Anderson.

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