Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Couillard Releases Book

Julie Couillard made headline news when she got her ex-boyfriend fired from his job, when she went to the national media and announced that he forgot important documents at her house. Her ex-boyfriend must have been a real dick to her, because this is some pretty huge revenge. But just because he's a dick and she wants revenge, doesn't mean that we have to be bombarded with this type of news constantly.

Obama once said "This isn't news people" . He was talking in regards to the news that Sarah Palinj had a pregneant teenage daughter. He didn't think it appropriate to drag personal affairs into the media spotlight.

But with tabloid magazines drawing so much attention these days on super-market shelves, there seems to be a desire for the media to report on scandalous affairs. I personally believe that there is a time and place for this type of discussion: and that is on people's Wall's on facebook.

Julie Couillard got national media attention. She recieved large sums of money for her television interviews. She is now releasing a book and will make enormous amounts of money on that. She is also releasing the book during the election campaign, to even further make the Conservatives look ridiculous for hiring Bernier.

Bernier is a retard. But he got fired. The C-SIS agent that left important intelligence information at Maple Leaf Gardens did not garner that much media attention. He definitely would have if he was sleeping with Mats Sundin's wife as well.

The point I'm making is, that we have to ask whether media is discussing a relevant issue, or appealing to the desire for scandalous tabloid-like information that poses as a relevant issue.

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