Monday, August 25, 2008

My Plans for Next Summer: Starcraft

I don't have any living arrangements for victoria this fall. However i am already planning my living arrangements for next summer.

At the start of this summer, i had the sweetest living arrangements in the history of mankind. I was living in my parents house, eating their food, getting my mom to do my laundry, using their cable and internet. It was the perfect life. I would wake up every day at around noon, get into my bathrobe, then walk around the house and patio with a mug of coffee in my hands. I was a king. But next summer my dad has made it clear that i will not be allowed to live a cushy life like that. He has said that i will need to find a job immediately, else i will be kicked out of the house.

here's where starcraft comes into play. These are pictures of a 1988 starcraft tent trailer. Currently on sale on ebay for $2200. I will simply buy the tent trailer and park it in front of my parents house. When i wake up at noon (by that time they are gone to work), i will enter the housee and commence to making my sandwhiches

1 comment:

spineless liberal said...

You don't know where you're living yet??