Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hookers as a cure for aids, also things I need at christmas

Using hookers as a research tool is the only simple way to cure AIDS. What we need to do is get as many hookers (preferably ugly hookers) and isolate them along with as many male aids patients as we can find. Eventually genetics and evolution should prevail, and the cure for aids will be found on this isolated hooker island (preferably in japan, for legal reasons and their openness to weird sex). Give it 5 generations and we'll have a super-human AIDS resistant kid that we can clone and harvest like a ripe bell pepper full of antibodies. I was just reading something about a university of texas professor who supports killing off 90% of the worlds population with ebola who may be able to help us. Note to self.

- A nice toque, nitted possibly
- A zippo, with my name on it or something. Or the Daft Punk logo
- An iPod to replace the one that started exploding this summer
- My traffic tickets paid

Recently me and my friend Carly have started plans to open a student-to-artist transitional gallery in calgary, and the main thing I want for christmas is 20 grande and a government license.

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