Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Platform Idea

If i was ever elected Prime minister, i would add the word "optimus" in front of the title. when the Rhinocerous party ran for office, they had many similar ideas, here are a list of my favorites:

-Repealing the law of gravity
-Paving Manitoba to create the world's largest parking lot
-Adopting the British system of driving on the left; this was to be gradually phased in over five years with large trucks and tractors first, then buses, eventually including small cars and bicycles last
-Selling the Canadian Senate at an antique auction in California
-Putting the national debt on Visa
-Making the Trans-Canada Highway one way only
-Donate a free rhinoceros to every aspiring artist in Canada
-The Rhino Party also declared that, should they somehow actually win an election, they would immediately dissolve and force a second election.

Unfortunately, the Rhino's have not run since the 1990's. There is a party running only in Quebec, called the Neo-Rhino's. The call themselves "Neo", after Neo from the Matrix.

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